Smarter than the devil – The game

Everything that the mind can conceive and believe, it can realize

The “Smarter Than the Devil” manuscript, considered too controversial for its time, remained hidden from the world for over seventy years. You finally have access to secret revelations that suggest that the same story seems to be repeating itself.

And the smartest is ….?
The one who thinks that there is no chance, who sees opportunities rather than problems, who knows how to adapt by creating his or her reality following his or her determined goal.

Napoleon Hill – Marc Kucharz

Éditions Trédaniel

Fun facts

The person who believes that there is no such thing as chance, who sees opportunities rather than problems, who knows how to adapt by creating his or her own reality and following his or her own determined goal.


Today the world is reliving similar situations such as the crisis, unemployment and war that humanity experienced in 1938 when Smarter Than the Devil was written by Napoleon Hill, the visionary of personal development.


The manuscript, considered too controversial for its time, remained hidden from the world for more than seventy years.

You finally have access to secret revelations that suggest that the same story seems to be repeating itself.


This knowledge makes you aware that you are the decision maker of your future and that of your children.

The speed of change invites us to take responsibility now, starting with ourselves, so that we can be at peace, and so that the world can be at peace with us.


The main negative forces such as fear of poverty, loss of love, old age, are the mental causes that cause certain excesses such as alcohol, excessive eating, or violence.

The main positive forces such as optimism, love, hope, from the three physical, mental and spiritual planes transform drifting habits into positive habits.

Are you a drifter or a non-drifter?

How much have you identified with thoughts that are not your own and their consequences?

Thanks to the Smarter Than the Devil Game, find your “other-self” by adapting to the new rules of the I and the Game to be in harmony with yourself and the world.

If you are smart, you have earned the right to exercise your power.

You have the cards in your hand.

Let us be the masters of the game of our life. It’s up to us!

“Whatever the human mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve” – Napoleon Hill

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