Ludocoaching at home
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success- The Game
Take advantage of Marc Kucharz’s LUDOcoaching by following this video to play the
Seven Spiritual Laws of Success (Deepak Chopra – Marc Kucharz)
A practical guide to making your dreams come true

The 7 steps of the Pacific Warrior with the Ho'oponopono Game and the Haka Game
Take advantage of Marc Kucharz’s LUDOcoaching by following this video to play the 7 steps of the Pacific Warrior.
The strength of body and mind is within you!

Master your energy to achieve power through play
Life, like a complex and captivating game, offers everyone the chance to free themselves from
negative energies that hinder our full development. In this incessant game that is our
The key to our existence lies in mastering our energy to reach our inner power. Through a seven-step journey, we explore how to transcend the shackles of the past, through the uncertainties of the future, to give thanks and love to the present in order to liberate our inner self.
1. Free yourself from the past
The past can be a prison, especially when mistakes and regrets pile up. The first step towards empowerment is to accept the past for what it is: a learning ground. Learn from your experiences and free yourself from the grip of past mistakes.
By ridding yourself of negative energies, you create space for a new reality.
2. Free yourself from fears of the future
Learn to manage your worries by accepting the uncertainty inherent in life. Set realistic goals and cultivate confidence in your ability to navigate the challenges ahead. By forgiving, you free your mind of fears about the future, paving the way for a balanced life.
3. Give thanks for what you’ve overcome
Gratitude is a powerful antidote for better energy. Take the time to recognize and thank what you have in your life. Gratitude creates a positive state of mind, reducing the need to fill a void.
4. Loving the present to the full
Self-love makes you aware of your body, your emotions and your thoughts. Learn to love yourself for who you are, here and now. By cultivating self-love, you lay a solid foundation for overcoming addictions, as you seek fulfillment from within.
5. Negative energy
Negative energies can be catalysts for unhappiness. Learn to recognize and express your emotions in a healthy way. Dancing or creating art are effective ways of releasing this negative energy.
6. Transfer this energy by diverting attention into action
Instead of succumbing to harmful habits, channel your energy into positive activities. Find rewarding hobbies, engage in physical activities, or invest time in projects you’re passionate about. By diverting your attention to actions
you’ll develop beneficial habits.
7. Recover your positive energy
The final stage is one of reconstruction and rebirth. By integrating all the lessons learned during this process, you’ll regain your positive energy. Redefine your goals, make meaningful connections, and cultivate a resilient mindset. By regaining your positive energy, you strengthen your ability to be fully.
In conclusion
Freeing yourself from negative energies through the game of life requires a commitment to change, constant awareness and an unshakeable will to create a healthier reality. By following these seven steps, you can embark on a transformative journey towards the power we all have: life.
The 7 steps of the Pacific Warrior with the Ho'oponopono Game and the Haka Game
Take advantage of Marc Kucharz’s LUDOcoaching by following this video to play the Alchemist’s Game (Patrick Burensteinas – Marc Kucharz)
Go through the 7 stages of transmutation to achieve liberation
Follow the 7 fusions of transmutation to play your way out of it
Thanks to this secret process, you’ll discover the 7 steps to lighten your load and rediscover your inner treasure. This method offers you a learning experience that will help you adapt more easily to the new rules of a changing world.
Stage 1: Chaos
Nothing seems to be in its place, and we lose all our bearings. No solution from us seems possible. We feel locked in, it’s a panic. In this state, we have two solutions: we freeze, like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car, or we cling with the energy of despair to the first buoy that comes along, without discernment.
Stage 2: Necessity
It’s the compulsive solution to escape confinement, even if it’s bad, it’s a solution. It is all the more necessary as it allows us to get out of the confusion. It’s always outside us. It is the source of all addictions. It can be physical (playing sports to excess, tinkering with things all the time), or psychological (becoming a religious fundamentalist or taking drugs).
The Merger
Stage 3: Materialization
Matter is the only solution. The need to do, to forget the confusion. On the downside, it’s the impression that it’s impossible to stop without incurring mortal risk. It’s like an aimless journey from which there’s no escape. On the bright side, it’s a necessary phase for escaping from confusion, provided we get out of it.
La Défusion
Stage 4: Contemplation
Get out there and see what’s out there. Welcome without expectation. The moment of distance needed to perceive all that comes from outside. It’s at this stage that we emerge from the infernal cycle of confusion, perfusion and fusion. That’s when we can become aware of our mistakes.
Step 5: Intuition
Being open through defusion, new ideas and new possibilities open up to us, without our even looking for them (otherwise, it would be perfusion). We now perceive an ocean of information to which we were closed by doing so. It’s the clarification, the bright idea, the choice.
Step 6: Transmission
The amount of information we’ve received, and its relevance, now invites us to disseminate it. Our words ring true, and we find ways to make them heard. Not just for our own interests, but for the interests of as many people as possible.
Step 7: Balance
We are in everything and everything is in us. There is neither lack nor desire.
We live in the intensity of the present moment. We learn to receive without asking and to give without waiting. There’s no more lack or fear. It’s happiness.
Thanks to the 7 fusions, you can transmute problems into solutions. You’ll experience the alchemy of change to achieve liberation so you can be at peace with yourself, others and the world.
“You’re not the architect of your prison, you become one and decorate its walls with your infusions”.
The 5 stages of the game Smarter than the devil, the game
Take advantage of Marc Kucharz’s LUDOcoaching by following this video to play the PMQLD Game (Napoleon Hill – Marc Kucharz).
Turning dependencies into opportunities through play
This concept emphasizes the ability to take advantage of situations where one might initially perceive dependencies or constraints as obstacles. This implies a
intention to change perspective and see these dependencies not as limitations, but as openings to create opportunities.
1. Physical level: Identify limiting dependencies
In this first stage, the emphasis is on becoming aware of the dependencies that can act as obstacles to your personal development. It’s all about recognizing those habits or behaviors that hinder your progress. It could be anything from daily routines to addictions.
2. Mental: Why this addiction?
Once you’ve identified these limiting addictions, it’s important to dive into understanding their origins. This stage involves self-reflection in order to
discover the deeper motivations behind these habits. Understanding why you’ve developed these addictions is essential to being able to question them and consider alternatives.
3. Spiritual plane: Positive forces
After exploring the mental origins of your addictions, this step focuses on finding positive inner strengths. From this new energy, you can create a solid foundation for change.
4. Mental plane: Everything becomes fluid, simple
With an understanding of your addictions and by finding inner strength, you’re now ready to develop a strategy. It aims to replace the negative dependency with a more positive habit. Commitment to this strategy is essential. The aim is to simplify the process of transforming thought into action.
5. Physical plane: New reality
This stage focuses on putting the previously developed strategy into practice. Living a new reality means making change a reality in your daily life. This may involve physical adjustments, changes to your routines or
changes in your environment. It’s the transition from planning to action, transforming your intention into a possible reality.
In conclusion
By following these 5 steps, you’ll chart your own path to happiness and success, harmony with yourself, others and the world in a time of uncertainty and uncertainty.
anxiety. This game will help you open your eyes to the priceless treasure we all possess: life.
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve” – Napoleon Hill